Tony Hawk GamesReviews
Tony Hawk: Shred
Platform: PLAYSTATION 3 (PlayStation 3)
Tony Hawk Games.I saw mostly negative reviews for RIDE. I was lucky too busy to try it nor any game back in then.
As a casual skater/boarder and serious gamer,
I enjoyed great original games like Tony hawk Pro skater, SSX, GTA3, Antigrav, GrandTourisumo, JetSetRadio Future, as well as Top Skater on arcade. They showed me new possibility of game and was FUN.Tony Hawk: Shred
Some reviewers say Shred is not realistic and kiddy. They say SKATE is better. Fine. To me, controlling virtual board with finger is so 20th century and nothing new. No reason to spend my precious time for. Kinect and Move, I don't know if this they can do better job than what EyeToy and Wii already done.
Shred. So far I played 3hours, The board controller works well. Menu is well designed. Loading time is okay. I like graphics.
If you demand dirty street feel and reality, grab your board and leave home. I enjoy this virtually enhanced version of these sports. Well worth the price.
If you would like to buy this and used.Tony Hawk GamesTony Hawk: Shred can be purchased from the store's aStore Amazon.