Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Platform: PlayStation
Tony Hawk Games.Perhaps one of the best games I ever played. My roomates and I rented it for five days and were completely engulfed the entire time. There was always someone playing the game.Tony Hawk Project 8 .Combining amazing lifelike graphics with a killer soundtrack this game will capture you to.Tony Hhawk Shred. That and the ability to do tricks like 900's, kickflip Mctwisits, double or even triple 360 kickflips, and even a 1080 ollie (I fell of a cliff and just spun; and actually landed it). After renting it, I went right out and bought it. You'll love it. Buy it.Tony Hawk Games
If you would like to buy this and used.Tony Hawk GamesTony Hawk's Pro Skater can be purchased from the store's aStore Amazon.