
Tony Hawk Games Tony Hawk's Underground

Tony Hawk Games Reviews

Tony Hawk's Underground

Tony Hawk Games.I got this game as a three-day rental. During this period of time I managed to completely beat this game! There is something very wrong about that because if you ask anyone I know you will find out that I am not good at video games at all. I mean I own almost every Final Fantasy and I have not beaten any of them yet! I know I'll get around to eventually.Tony Hawk Games.Tony Hawk Shred,Tony Hawk Wii,Tony Hawk Ride,Tony Hawk Underground,Tony Hawk 4, Tony Hawk 3,Tony Hawk 2, Maybe its not that I suck, maybe its just that I don't try. Well, that's what I think and I'm sticking with that excuse! Half way through the game I felt, wow! This is the greatest Tony Hawk game yet, and for fun factor it is! But its way to short and I was sad to see it end! THPS 4 were much longer and much harder to get done 100% so no matter how fun this game was, it was an overall disappointment. Hey, short like most of my reviews! HAHAHA! But I like my reviews the way they are, maybe that's how Neversoft felt about this game. Or maybe they were short on time. You should rent it right away, but you probably won't want to buy it.

If you would like to buy this item.new and used.Tony Hawk Games.Tony Hawk Shred,Tony Hawk Wii,Tony Hawk Ride,Tony Hawk Underground,Tony Hawk 4, Tony Hawk 3,Tony Hawk 2,And much more.You can check at this price.The most helpful critical review,Before making a purchase.