Useful facts you need to know before purchase Tony Hawk Games It is too bad that Activision has strayed so far from the quality of this game in previous versions.Tony Hawk Underground. The game has a lot less to do with skateboarding and seems to unnecessarily pander to 13-17 year old males. The people who were waiting for this game to come out would have bought it without all the controversial themes - strip joint and pole dancers, disrespect to police etcs. Those things didn't help them sell the game and certainly will keep some people from buying it - especially mothers buying it for their sons.Know The Facts Before You Buy Tony Hawk Games
If you would like to buy this and used.Tony Hawk Games.Tony Hawk Shred,Tony Hawk Wii,Tony Hawk Ride,Tony Hawk Underground,Tony Hawk 4, Tony Hawk 3,Tony Hawk 2,And much more.You can check at this price.The most helpful critical review,Before making a purchase. Useful facts you need to know before purchase,Click here